Public Advocate Letitia James has released her annual worst landlords watch list, which includes the 10 worst buildings in Queens.
By worse, we mean these buildings have the most housing code violations.
Three buildings in northeast Queens appear on this list, with a staggering number of violations.
Second on the list is 150-15 Sanford Avenue in Murray Hill, which has a whopping 244 HPD violations. The head officer listed with this property is Nada Gracin.
Third on the list is 139-29 34th Road, right along Union Street near Leavitts Park. This building has 204 HPD violations. Their head officer is Lucia Chiao.
Finally, ninth on the list is 116-01 14th Road in College Point. This building, with head officer Norman Mirsky, has 135 HPD violations, according to the public advocate’s office.
“No New Yorker should be subjected to live in a hazardous home, yet bad landlords in our city are forcing too many tenants to live in dangerous and indecent conditions,” James says.