A man is suing a McDonald’s franchise in Flushing after an employee at the location refused to serve him and smacked away his phone saying, “We don’t serve people like you,” according to one witness.
James Jin Kim was trying to record a cellphone video of an employee who was refusing to serve him when he got a broom smack in the hand from employee Rooshi Sajjad, as seen in an overhead video first posted by CBS2.
Kim’s attorney Christine Bae confirmed that he is suing the franchise for $10 million in relation to the incident, which occurred in February.
Police records show that Sajjad was charged with attempted assault in connection with the incident, to which Sajjad pleaded guilty.
Sajjad is still employed at the location, and according to the Queens DDA, charges will be dropped in one month if no other trouble rises.
Franchise owner Luigi Solimeo has remained silent about the incident, save for a brief statement.
“Nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of my customers and employees,” Solimeo said. “The video does not capture all of the details surrounding that event last February. As this is a legal and personnel matter, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further.”
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