Avella to host mobile office on Sunday


State Senator Tony Avella will host mobile office hours this Sunday, November 20th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hillcrest Jewish Center.

Residents of Jamaica Estate, Fresh Meadows and nearby communities can meet with the senator and his staff to discuss any concerns.

“I look forward to meeting you and continuing to work together to improve our community,” Avella wrote in a mailer sent to constituents.

The event will be Avella’s sixth and final mobile office hours of the year. At previous mobile offices, constituents have brought up bioswales, the need for a supermarket in Whitestone and lack of traffic controls.

According to Avella’s office, each concern will be addressed.

Hillcrest Jewish Center is located at 183-02 Union Turnpike in Fresh Meadows.

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