Just in time for the holidays, the YWCA of Queens is hosting its first food giveaway to combat hunger in the local community.
Flushing has been identified as one of the top 11 neighborhoods with an unmet need for food in New York, and one of two in Queens.
The food giveaway is sponsored by the Flushing-based NewBank in honor of its 10th anniversary.
Donations are courtesy of City Harvest and H-Mart, the national supermarket chain that actually started in Woodside.
State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, Assemblyman Ron Kim and Councilman Peter Koo are expected to attend.
The event will be on Saturday, December 3rd from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 42-07 Parsons Blvd.
For more information, contact Yoon Hee Son at yson@ywcaqueens.org or 718-353-4553 ext. 27.