Whitestone mom arrested after packing heroin in son’s schoolbag

Drug bagA 6-year-old boy arrived at school and unpacked his schoolbag to find his mother’s heroin, police sources reported on Monday.

Whitestone mom, Leah Pagano, mistakenly put a box filled with glassine envelopes, pills and straws into her son’s bookbag early Monday morning.

He then arrived at P.S. 209 on Utopia Parkway, Friday at around 8:30 a.m., took the white box out of his bookbag, and showed it to a teacher’s aide, Grace Molina, said the Queens DA.

The authorities were called and Pagano was summoned to the school, where she was arrested.

“I am the only one who prepares my son’s school bag and lunch. I use heroin. I do not shoot it, but I snort it. I could not find my box with heroin inside,” Pagano told police.

Pagano was charged with misdemeanor drug possession, endangering the welfare of a child, and acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17 years old.


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