Here’s an update on the Legionnaire’s disease situation

Health officials say that an additional case of Legionnaire’s disease was identified in downtown Flushing, but the person was not hospitalized.

The person began feeling symptoms well before the cluster was declared, but was only diagnosed on October 25th.

If by next week the Department of Health does not see any additional cases, they will declare the investigation over. However, remediation of the cooling towers identified during the investigation will continue.

Here’s some background if you need a reminder. The downtown Flushing investigation was announced on October 24. There were 15 cases reported in the area.

One person remains hospitalized, but no deaths were announced.

Legionnaire’s disease is not contagious and it is treatable if identified early, health officials say. Symptoms include fever, cough, chills and muscle aches.

New Yorkers with any of these symptoms should immediately see a doctor. Legionnaire’s disease can be diagnosed with a urine test.

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