Here is who won participatory budgeting in District 19


Northeast Queens residents came out in droves to vote in participatory budgeting, a process that enables residents to come up with their own project ideas and vote to fund the most popular ones.

More than 8,000 votes were cast this year, an increase of nearly 2,000 from last year. This vote total was the highest in Queens, and second highest in the entire city.

Altogether, Councilman Paul Vallone will allocate $1.041 million in discretionary funding for capital projects in PB.

Here are the winners from this year’s cycle:

  • NYPD security cameras, $141,000 (2,086 votes): This project will fund and install four NYPD security cameras in District 19 to enhance crime prevention.
  • Bayside High School music rehearsal and equipment storage, $600,000 (1,954 votes): This project will convert building storage areas into sound-proof performance rooms and storage for instruments.
  • JHS 194 gymnasium renovation, $300,000 (1,906 votes): This project will renovate the gym, repair walls, replace basketball goops and finish the floor and add safety padding.

“These results once again clearly show that our district has overwhelmingly embraced the success of the participatory budgeting process,” Vallone said. “At a time when voter turnout is at a record low, we have created a way to engage our youth and youngest voters as to the power and importance of voting.”

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