Queens College donates masks, gloves to combat COVID-19

Queens College PPE donation

Queens College’s School of Mathematics and Sciences donated a collection of supplies last weekend to help battle the COVID-19 outbreak.

Donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) included N-95 masks, 30 unopened cases of disposable nitrile gloves, disposable lab coats and bottles of 70% isopropyl alcohol.

The donation was made in response to Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio’s public call to New Yorkers about the critical need for PPEs.

Professors, faculty, college lab technicians stepped up, scoured their teaching labs for the materials.

“We hope these efforts will inspire others who have access to protective gear and sanitizers to join in support of the dedicated staff of the city’s hospitals,” said Interim Queens College President William Tramontano.

The materials were picked up by NYC Emergency Management and funneled toward hospitals with the mot critical need.

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