Assemblyman Ron Kim captures 70 percent of the vote

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It was already a foregone conclusion after primary night that Assemblyman Ron Kim would win re-election, it was just a matter of the margin.

After all of the absentee ballots were counted last week, it’s now clear: Kim captured north of 70 percent.

According to the Flushing lawmaker, he secured 3,585 votes out of a total of 5,095 votes cast for the 40th Assembly District. That’s about 70.36 percent.

Here’s what Kim had to say about the victory:

My colleagues and I have already returned to Albany to continue our work ensuring a safe path to reopening New York’s institutions and businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am also fighting to ensure that those in power are held accountable for mistakes and misconduct that caused otherwise preventable harm and trauma to our fellow New Yorkers during this health crisis. Though the general election is on the horizon, my focus these next few months will be on bringing New York back to its full potential.

Kim faced police sergeant Steven Lee, a first time candidate, who would later form a nonprofit organization, call for neighborhood watch patrols, and donate PPE to senior centers.

The race eventually got dirty and personal, with accusations of cyberbullying.

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