Councilman Peter Koo is teaming up with the NYC Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) for a webinar on Wednesday on how to respond to city-issued summonses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Joni Kletter, the OATH commissioner and chief administrative law judge, will host the “Comm-Cam” event for Flushing area residents and small businesses.
OATH received nearly 850,000 summonses each year from agencies such as the departments of sanitation, buildings, environmental protection, health and others.
“Comm-Cam” is short for “Commissioner’s Community Web-Cam Series.” It is OATH’s new community outreach event. The commissioner will explain the changes in services, policies and procedures that have been implemented during the pandemic.
The informational event will run on August 26 from 2 to 3 p.m. It will be open to up to 100 people and use the WebEx web conferencing technology.
RSVP by emailing RSVPOATH@oath.nyc.org to receive a videoconferencing link.