Over 100 donors participate in annual blood drive

Blood Drive Photo 2 - 2020

We’d like to give thanks where thanks are due!

Last week, Assemblyman Ed Braunstein sponsored his 8th annual summer blood drive at the Bay Terrace Shopping Center.

More than 100 people gave blood during a crucial time.

“Due to COVID-19, hospitals in New York are in urgent need of blood donations,” he said. “Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of over 100 northeast Queens residents who participated in our blood drive, more than 300 lives will be saved.

Second aerial larviciding of mosquito season coming to NE Queens

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The Health Department is conducting aerial larviciding treatment to parts of northeast and southeast Queens to reduce mosquito activity and reduce the risk of West Nile virus from Thursday, August 6 to Friday, August 7, and again from Monday, August 10 between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., weather permitting.

The helicopter is treating only non-residential areas, the agency said.

To date, no human cases of West Nile virus have been reported this season.

Still, during the summer months, mosquitos can breed in any still water that has been standing for more than five days.

With hot and wet weather conditions, the targeted areas can be home to a rise in mosquito populations.

Here are the areas that will be sprayed:

  • Alley Pond Park (Marsh areas inside Alley Pond Park – areas bounded by Douglaston Parkway and 240th Street to the east; Northern Boulevard to the north; Cross Island Parkway and East Hampton Boulevard to the west; and Grand Central Parkway to the south)
  • Linden Hill/College Point (Marsh areas bounded by Whitestone Expressway to the east; 20th Avenue to the north; 130th Avenue and Ulmer Street to the west; and Ulmer Street and 28th Street to the south)
  • Kissena Park (Marsh areas bounded by 164th Street to the east; Oak Avenue and Rose Avenue to the north; and Kissena Boulevard to the west; and  Booth Memorial Avenue to the south)

Douglaston Plaza now has seating and dining

New York City is opening up some pedestrian plazas starting this week.

City officials announced that Douglaston Plaza will be opened to include exclusive seating, collective dining and open public seating.

The city’s Open Restaurants program now has more than 9,500 participants. They will be allowed to host outdoor dining through October.


“The expansion of the Open Restaurants program to include Douglaston Plaza in Northeast Queens is a great victory for our small businesses and our community,” said Councilman Paul Vallone, who chairs the Committee on Economic Development.

“Let’s all celebrate by grabbing some coffee and enjoying dinner at our wonderful Douglaston Plaza!”

Queens College unveils new digital brochure


Queens College has rolled out a new digital brochure to offer information to prospective students, parents and the public.

The brochure, called QC at a Glance, gives a virtual introduction to Queens College.

It touches on topics like programs, faculty, campus life and the value of a Queens College education.

Visitors go on a virtual campus tour that includes campus buildings, departments and programs.

They will also hear about the college’s diverse student body, well-known alumni and the school’s role in the community.

Check out QC at a Glance here.

Assemblyman Ron Kim captures 70 percent of the vote

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It was already a foregone conclusion after primary night that Assemblyman Ron Kim would win re-election, it was just a matter of the margin.

After all of the absentee ballots were counted last week, it’s now clear: Kim captured north of 70 percent.

According to the Flushing lawmaker, he secured 3,585 votes out of a total of 5,095 votes cast for the 40th Assembly District. That’s about 70.36 percent.

Here’s what Kim had to say about the victory:

My colleagues and I have already returned to Albany to continue our work ensuring a safe path to reopening New York’s institutions and businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am also fighting to ensure that those in power are held accountable for mistakes and misconduct that caused otherwise preventable harm and trauma to our fellow New Yorkers during this health crisis. Though the general election is on the horizon, my focus these next few months will be on bringing New York back to its full potential.

Kim faced police sergeant Steven Lee, a first time candidate, who would later form a nonprofit organization, call for neighborhood watch patrols, and donate PPE to senior centers.

The race eventually got dirty and personal, with accusations of cyberbullying.

Annual blood drive set for Thursday, August 6

Blood Drive 2020

Assemblyman Edward Braunstein’s 8th annual summer blood drive is set to take place on Thursday, August 6 from 2:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Bay Terrace Shopping Center, located at 212-51 26th Avenue.

The event is hosted in conjunction with the New York Blood Center.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need for blood donors,” Braunstein said. “Each blood donation saves up to three lives, so I hope you will take the time to share this lifesaving gift.”

Donations are by appointment only. Donors must:

  • Wear a mask or face covering and have your temperature taken
  • Must be 14 days symptom free if recovered from COVID-19
  • Not donate if you have had a positive diagnostic test or experienced symptoms in the last 14 days
  • Not donate if you are currently on self-quarantine

To sign up for donations, click here, or contact Braunstein’s office by phone at 718-357-3588 or by email at braunsteine@nyassembly.gov.

Borough president accepting applications to serve on CEC 25


Acting Borough President Sharon Lee is looking for two dedicated parent volunteers to fill two vacant positions on Community Education Council District 25.

Lee is accepting applications from education-minded individuals until Friday, August 7.

CEC 25, which includes Flushing, Beechhurst, College Point, Murray Hill,  Whitestone and Willets Point, is responsible for advising and commenting on educational policies and providing input to Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza.

Each CEC oversees elementary and middle schools in their respective community school district. There are seven community school districts in Queens.

To read more about the role of CECs, click here.

CEC members meet for public meetings every month, and visit schools to see what their educational needs are. They also review the district’s educational programs, approve zoning lines, and submit a capital plan to the chancellor after holding public hearings.

The CEC membership application is available online here and can be returned by email to education@queensbp.org.

Queens Botanical Garden has finally reopened


Starting on July 21, the Queens Botanical Garden is reopening with limited open hours.

QBG is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Free hours are Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 10 to 11 a.m.

All visitors must wear a mask and maintain six feet of distance from others to remain in the garden.

Hand sanitizer dispensers are available at multiple points throughout the harden. High-touch surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day.

For more information on admission pricing, open hours, and other facts about reopening, go to their website here.

Flushing Greenmarket opens for fifth season


The Flushing Greenmarket at Maple Playground has launched for its fifth season.

The market will be operated by GrowNYC, and will be open every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. until November. The last day will be November 24.

The Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce will partner with GrowNYC to help promote the market and coordinate programming with local businesses and cultural groups.

The Flushing Greenmarket has been at Maple Playground since the summer of 2016. It provides residents with access to farm fresh food and vegetables.

Everything sold at the market is farmer grown, produced, caught or foraged.

Farmers accept cash, debit and credit cards, food stamps, WIC and health bucks.

Eastern Queens pol distributes PPE across his district

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Earlier this week, Councilman Barry Grodenchik distributed thousands of free face masks and hundreds of bottles of hand sanitizer in his eastern Queens district.

The grab-and-go events in Glen Oaks and Fresh Meadows is part of an effort to keep local residents safe during COVID-19.

In total, Grodenchik’s team gave out over 4,000 packages. Each package contained five masks and two-ounce containers of NYS Clean Hand Sanitizer.

The Glen Oaks giveaway took place at the Glen Oaks Shopping Center. The Fresh Meadows event was located outside the AMC Fresh Meadows theater.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Grodenchik has partnered with numerous community organizations to give out PPE to residents.